Are you running a production unit or supplying a number of outlets or customers and really need to increase your sealing rates, but don’t want to increase your labour costs? Do you need to respond quickly to fulfil new orders? Is space and staff a consideration? Would you like to seal up to 4 products simultaneously, in 4 seconds with 1 operator? With more orders, we understand reliability is paramount.
Are you looking to increase production in a range of products with quick change tooling options? Too busy to spend time on setting sealing temperatures? We take out all the temperature guess work and build it all in for you.
We know the pressure you can be under to respond to customers, so we take the pressure off you and put it into the sealing with a semi-automatic operation. Ready to step-up with ease? The Soken HS35AC model is a winning combination.
This semi-automatic, higher volume cardboard heat sealer, seals effortlessly. It is manually fed and seals automatically using a high pressure compressor. It can seal up to 4 packs simultaneously, while delivering optimum and consistent seal integrity, due to inner seal pressure settings.
Incorporating technology adapted from Soken’s high-speed, linear automatic sealing machines, it provides an adjustable seal time, temperature and pressure to suit your requirements. Versatile, it can accommodate a wide variety of different cardboard packaging. So, if you change your packaging, we can change your tooling plates to suit. It’s fast, flexible and efficient.
Incorporated into the design is the ability to also seal blister packaging.
An optional bespoke mobile unit is available for ease of movement, with integral plate drawers and compressor shelf.
Ideal for: Cardboard sandwiches, baguettes, pasta and salad boxes, tortilla wraps, noodle boxes, small components.
Ideal users: Mid-range producers.
Sealing speed: Approx 800 packs per hour
Height: 380mm
Weight: 35Kg
Footprint: 465mm wide x 610mm deep x 360mm high
Air supply requirement: minimum 2 cfm at 6 bar
Power: 230V 50Hz 1 phase 8 Amps (120V optional)
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